Technology Reset Simulation
The year is 2050. Human societies across the world are a mess. Many of the problems of the world have grown worse in the last 30 years. These problems include weather disasters, racism and other types of bigotry, inequality and loss of freedom, and confusion about what can be trusted online. Many humans are mad and sad about the future. Aliens called the Technoids sense that humans have lost their way and they have decided to try to help. These aliens have a special ability to recognize problems and ask questions to help repair harms that have been done. The Technoids have asked the government to form several groups with the best students in the world. Those students are sitting in this room right now.
The Technoids then explained to these groups that they sense one common villain is the cause of many human problems: technology. They explain that humans have always been tool-users, but at some point in history, humans lost control of their use of technologies. They believe that humans have not just used technologies, but they have been changed by them.
The Technoids believe that humans can only fix their relationships with the planet, plants, animals, and each other by starting a “reset” of humanity’s relationship with technology. The Technoids cannot provide answers. Humans must look inside, and at the world around them, to find the best path forward.
The Technoids ask humans to investigate their technology by answering the following questions:
What motto could reset how and why people use technologies and inspire a new relationship between humans and their technologies? The motto must be something that is easy to communicate to the people of Earth. The Technoids are asking for a motto that helps think about the goals and purposes for human relationships with technologies. This motto may also tell how humans will evaluate whether technologies match human values such as democracy, justice, and being environmentally friendly.
Which 2 everyday technologies represent your motto and should be required for use by all humans? Which 2 everyday technologies don’t fit your motto and should be banned for use by humans? For each technology, analyze the trade-offs (i.e., benefits and drawbacks) and how those technologies change human lives. Provide an explanation of why each technology made your list. Because humans around the world must make these changes, identify technologies which are part of humans’ everyday lives. Do not include technologies such as nuclear weapons that are out of control of most people. You can find a list of different categories of technology on the next page to help you brainstorm.
What would you say to convince the world to follow your change? Your committee should be prepared to share your motto and share your four technology evaluations. You will have a minute to present recommendations and you may create a visual to make your case if you so choose.
The Technoids believe that humans will know which group provides the best path for the future of humanity. Changes may be hard, but humanity requires a new start. What are your recommendations?
Categories of Technology
It may be helpful to review different types and examples of technology as they determine which to ban and require. Here is a list of technology categories with explanations and examples.
Communication: Technologies that share information across distances such as television, smartphones, and videoconferencing technologies.
Daily Use Technologies: Technologies people use everyday personally or in their homes, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and video games.
Environmental: Technologies humans use to change the environment such as dams, construction, and buildings.
Financial: Technologies that allow for the exchange of goods via money such as bills, digital currency, and online banking.
Information: Technologies that collect information such as satellites, computers, or educational devices and apps.
Medical: Technologies that are used on human bodies such as surgical tools, medicines, or DNA testing.
Military: Technologies and tools for war such as swords and bows in ancient times or planes, warships, and drones today.
Production: Technologies that use tools or machines to create food, products, or energy such as the tractor, factories, or oil rigs.
Transportation: Technologies that move people or goods over distances such as roads, railroads, or shipping.