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The ELIZA Effect-ion
Punya reflects on what our interactions with AI reveal about us—our desires, our fears, and our need for connection.
MI OER Keynote Text: The Art of Open Resources, Pedagogy, and Practice: a balancing act in three parts
A cross-post of Autumm’s recent keynote address to the Michigan OER Conference.
School Safety Tech is EdTech
Erin Anderson writes about the educational implications of school safety technologies, and why we should be paying much closer attention to them.
Reflecting on Ed Tech Lessons Learned from the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment: What Resonates Today?
Natalie Milman offers a thought provoking reminder that histories of ed tech policy and research situate much of our work, whether the work is a pivot away from, or a continuation of, earlier research trajectories.
2024 Civics of Technology Community Survey
Take the 10 minute CoT Survey to share what you like and what you'd like to see in our CoT community.