Messages App

Watch this iPhone Messaging apps tutorial to see how it works.

We often use the “messages” app on our smartphones without thinking too much about how technology changes the way we experience communication with people over long distances. As you watch the video or look at the messages app and other communication apps on your own smartphone, consider the following questions:

  1. What are the benefits of the messages app?

  2. What are the drawbacks of the messages app?

  3. How does the messages app affect the flow of my life?

You can consider these same questions as we investigate other and older technologies of communication.


Source 1: Timeline

2022, Ryan Smits (Civics of Technology contributor)


Technologies of Communication

For a very, very long time, people communicated only with other people who were physically near them. Artwork was a way to leave simple messages, but if you wanted to discuss complex ideas, you had to be in the same physical space as the people you were talking to. This is called an oral culture, and there are still people who live like this where communities are more tight-knit and intergenerational (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and children living with or near each other). Knowledge is held by elders (like the grandparents) and passed down to younger people by listening to them. Knowledge and wisdom in the community is based on the experiences of the past generations.

 You are probably not from an oral culture, instead, you are probably from a written or print culture. Written cultures are not that old compared to oral cultures. Written cultures began with the ability to print words onto paper for distribution in the 15th century. Even though the alphabet was invented around 1000 BCE and paper around 100 CE, it took a long time before most people in a community began reading and writing.

 With a written alphabet, paper, books, and a system of transportation to move all of this around, complex ideas could be communicated and discussed even when people were not in the same physical space. It may have taken a while, but someone in England could write a letter to a relative living in another country and expect to have a letter written back. Before paper and writing, you would not have been able to communicate with someone who lived far away, but you were also much less likely to know someone who lived far away. Most people rarely left their local communities. Faster transportation and the ability to communicate over long distances may have led to more people moving from their home communities.

 The ability to communicate over long distances sped up with the spread of railroads in the early 19th century. The electric telegraph was invented in 1838 and it let people communicate written messages faster than people could actually move. Wires criss-crossed across the land and were laid under oceans which got rid of the earlier space and time limits. Some people, like the author Henry David Thoreau, wondered if people who lived so far apart really needed to communicate with each other. In 1876, the telephone was invented and let people actually speak to someone far away, rather than just being able to send a written message.

 These long-distance, instant communications never completely replaced the slower, physical letters or talking face-to-face, but it started to make people think about communication in different ways. Some, like the Amish, are still hesitant to use telephones because of their ability to interrupt the people in a shared physical space. Those that do have phones keep them outside in a separate building to avoid the disruption.

 Smartphones and the internet have started what can be thought of as a screen culture. Now we can talk, text, video, and enter into virtual reality with anyone, anywhere in the world, and at any time. What do we lose as we are able to communicate with anyone in the world with the cell phone in our pocket? It is absolutely amazing that I can video chat with a friend on the other side of the world, but what do I give up when I do this? Now, we can be interrupted by anyone from anywhere at any time.

 To continue to investigate the technologies of communication, review the sources below and complete one or more of the suggested activities.


This timeline is not comprehensive but includes major developments in communication.

Source 2: How Humans Communicate Videos

Source 2a: Communication Then and Now

2015, Studies Weekly YouTube Channel

Source 2b: How Does Morse Code Work?

2019, Concerning Reality YouTube Channel

Source 2c: How WiFi and Cell Phones Work

2018, The Explained Channel YouTube Channel

Source 3: The Costs of Digital Communication: A Q&A with Sherry Turkle

Adapted from: 2016, SHRM — Kathryn Tyler

Photo by Domenico Loia

Source 4: Can You Still Send a Telegram?

2016, The Atlantic—Adrienne LaFrance

Western Union Telegram card from the 1930s

Source 5: Connected, but Alone?

2012, TED YouTube Channel

As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication -- and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want to have.

Source 6: Texting vs Calling

2020, Psych News Daily — Douglas Heingartner

To what extent do you agree with the reasons at the end? How often do you make a phone call over texting?


  • Write a Letter

    Pick someone you care about like a close friend, parent, relative, or impactful teacher and write them a letter by hand. Try to reserve at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to write. You might right about something that reminded you of them, your favorite shared memory, what you love and miss most about them, the first time you met them, etc.
    Afterwards, reflect on how the experience was different than texting and how it felt to write them a letter.

  • Switch to a Phone Call

    The next time you find yourself in a lengthy text conversation suggest switching to a phone call with the person. Maybe they asked you a complex question, you are making plans, or can just tell you will send a lot of back-and-forth texts.
    How did you feel switching to a phone call? What changed about the conversation once you were talking in real-time?

  • Receive Messages Like Mail

    Turn off all email and social media notifications for at least a week. Set a time of day that you will check for any messages you received and only check and respond to your messages at that preset time.
    What is it like to not receive push notification all the time? How does it feel to only check messages at a specific part of the day?

  • Ask Critical Questions

    Students will critically inquire into their relationship with long-distance communication by asking the five critical questions about modern messaging with apps like “Messages:”

    1. What do we give up for the benefits of the messages app?

    2. Who is harmed and who benefits from a messages app?

    3. What does a message app need?

    4. What are the unintended or unexpected changes caused by a messages app?

    5. Why is it difficult to imagine our world without a messages app?