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Are you ready to take Liberatory Tech Action? All you need to know about the 2nd Annual Civics of Technology conference!
Our 2024 Conference preview, conference logistics, and a call for participants for a critical consciousness study.

Breaking Free from Blockchaining Babies and "Cradle-to-Career" Data Traps
Dr. Marachi previews her research and her August 4th keynote address to the Civics of Tech conference.

Previewing the 2nd Annual (and free) Civics of Technology Conference
A conference overview and a few session titles to whet your appetite for taking Liberatory Tech Action at our 2nd Annual CoT conference!

A Conversation with Nick Seaver, Author of Computing Taste
Jacob Pleasants interviews Nick Seaver about his book, Computing Taste: Algorithms and the Makers of Music Recommendation.

Why Black Mirror is Educational and Joan is Awful
In this blog post, Jacob and Dan discuss the new season of Black Mirror and why the show is educational… and, of course, why #JoanIsAwful.

Challenging Western and Global North Paradigms in Ed Tech
Marie and colleagues propose three frames: collective, critical, and ecological, to re-envision educational technology research and the possibilities of ed tech in learning and society.

What are the unintended or unexpected changes caused by Generative AI?
In this post, Jacob ponders how educators might use the conceptual models that the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) used in their report on“Generating Harms: Generative AI’s Impact & Paths Forward.”

Charting the Course: Incorporating AI Into Assignments to Foster Self-Regulation
In this post, Brett and David discuss how to incorporate AI Into assignments to foster self-regulation.

Join Us to take Liberatory Tech Action at our 2nd Annual Civics of Technology Conference
The 2023 Civics of Tech conference, Liberatory Tech Action, is accepting proposals through June 26. Drs. Pangrazio and Marachi will keynote. Register today!

Albert Borgmann lived a good life with technology
In this post, Dan shares the lesson Albert Borgmann (1937-2023) taught us during his life about how to live a good life with technology.

Are Smartphones Bad for Kids?
In this post, Dan discusses Cal Newport’s overview of research that answers the question, Are smartphones bad for kids?

Introducing the Technology Education Iceberg
In this post, Jacob, Dan, and Phil introduce the technology education iceberg, a framework for teaching all students about technology.

ChatGPT and Teacher Education
In this post, Jacob and Jeffrey examine “ChatGPT and Teacher Education.”

Asking Technoskeptical Questions about ChatGPT
Dan and Marie prepare for a talk at AERA by considering the role of technoskepticism to inquire into ChatGPT in education.

Quick Bites - Critical Tech Articles, Pods, and Blogs
Appetizer summaries and links to what we’ve been reading and listening to recently around critical technology, education, machine learning, and more!