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Healing Technologies, Necessary Technologies, and other Student Ideas from the Technology Reset Simulation
In this blog post, Dan Krutka shared the Technology Reset Simulation and students’ responses.

Should we be more like the Luddites?
In this week’s post, Dan Krutka was inspired by a couple pieces of Luddite-focused media that he came across this week to offer reflections on the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) lesson on the site that asks students, should we be more like the Luddites?

Why you can’t pay attention to this book review of Stolen Focus
In this post, Jacob Pleasants reviews Johann Hari’s 2022 book, “Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again.” Will you be able to focus on it?

New Research - Breaking the Code: Confronting Racism in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship
In this post Marie and Aman discuss their recent article on possible ways forward to confront racism within computer science education.

What do we give up for the benefits of electric lighting?
Jacob Pleasants reviews Paul Bogard’s 2014 book, “The end of night: Searching for natural darkness in an age of artificial light.” This book and review to ask questions such as, What do we give up for the benefits of electric lighting?

Mapping the Media Education Terrain
In this post, Dan Krutka, Marie Heath, and Cathryn van Kessel offer a new way to help teachers teach students “media literacy” by mapping the media terrain. They offer 5 approaches that can complement each other in offering a holistic media education our students and society needs.

Must Read Books about Technology
In this post, Dan recaps the Civics of Technology March Madness “Must Read” books about technology livestream event from March 24th and previews the book clubs for the top three books!

Is It Ethical to Use This Technology? An Approach to Learning about Educational Technologies with Students
In this post, Dan and Marie share new curriculum to the site on a four-step approach to technoethical integration of edtech.

New Research: How is technology framed in social studies standards and what should teachers do about it?
In this blog post, Dan shares a new publication and offers recommendations for what it means to educators.

Why Teaching About Technology Is More Important Than Teaching With It
In this week’s post, Jacob Pleasants makes an argument that teaching about technologies is more important than teaching with them even though schools tend to only prioritize the latter.

Should We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?
In this post, Dr. Scott Metzger offers thoughts on atomic weapons, the potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, and questions that can help critically inquire into the topic with students.

Whose interests do teaching machines serve?
In this blog post, Charles Logan shares his thoughts, a reading guide, and new inquiry design model (IDM) lesson based on Audrey Watters’ 2021 book, Teaching Machines: The History of Personalized Learning.

Apple Watch 7 is not going to save your life.
In our second blog post, Dan and Marie write about the Apple 7 Series 911 commercial, technosalvation, and media education. Tell us in the comments how you teach about technology marketing messages.

Welcome to the real world.
In post 1, Dan welcomes you to the Civics of Technology project using The Matrix as muse and then he muses on our relationships with technology, educational technology, and just futures for citizens, educators, and students.