Introducing the Civics of Technology Board!

Civics of Tech Announcements

  1. Monthly Tech Talk on Tuesday, 10/01/24. Join our monthly tech talks to discuss current events, articles, books, podcast, or whatever we choose related to technology and education. There is no agenda or schedule. Our next Tech Talk will be on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 8-9pm EST/7-8pm CST/6-7pm MST/5-6pm PST. Learn more on our Events page and register to participate.

  2. Next Book Club will be announced soon!

By Jacob Pleasants, Dan Krutka, & Marie Heath

Civics of Technology is a community, one that has been incredible to see grow and develop over the past few years. From blog posts to curriculum, book clubs to conference presentations, we are deeply grateful to all who engage with Civics of Tech for what they contribute to our community as scholars, professionals, citizens, and people.

In recognition of that growth, we thought it was time to establish more formal roles in our organization, both to encourage long-term sustainability and to recognize the labors and energy of regular contributors.

First, Jacob will be joining Marie and Dan as one of the Civics of Technology Executive Directors.

Second, we have a team of wonderful colleagues who will join us as members of the Civics of Technology Board (you can see their full bios on the About Us page of our site).

Please Welcome the Civics of Technology Board!

Erin Anderson

Sharla Berry

Autumm Caines

Michelle Ciccone

Charles Logan

Natalie Milman

Punya Mishra

Phil Nichols

Allie Thrall

In practical terms, what does this mean for Civics of Technology? Primarily, you can expect to see contributions from our board members on a more regular basis. That might be in the form of our existing content/events (e.g., blog posts and book clubs). Or it might be new ideas for engagement that our board members dream up. We are truly grateful for the energy and passion that our board members bring, and are excited to see where things go from here.

So, give a shout out to our board members, and keep an eye out for their bylines, Zoom squares, and voices in the months to come.


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